Good Grief (part 2)

In my last blog, I noted that Good Grief is intensely personal, appreciates the past and accentuates the future, resists categorization, and focuses on eternity. Today, I would like to separate and expand the second component. Appreciates the Past   Throughout the Bible, God gives us stories.  When properly understood, they reveal a plan for... Continue Reading →

Good Grief

At first glance, the title of this month’s blog appears to be oxymoronic. If you add emphasis --Good Grief! – the stage is set for feelings of despair, anger, or frustration. However, when seen through the lens of biblical truth, it is God’s plan for understanding and navigating through the disappointments, traumas, losses, and uncertainties... Continue Reading →

What’s Next?

After my precious wife Linda went home to be with the Lord on May 23, 2023, in the final installment of Walking Victoriously Through the “Long Goodbye,”I noted, “At the forefront of my thinking is a simple question: How do I (alone) continue the legacy that we (together) have developed in nearly sixty years of... Continue Reading →

Continuing Our Legacy

Last Monday, my granddaughter Taylor sent me a note: “Throughout the weekend, I have continued to think about Grandma and the memories I have of her. I’ve thought about how my girls won’t know her in the same way...  I jotted down my thoughts and reflections to put in their memory boxes so they will always... Continue Reading →

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

In last Sunday’s blog, I noted: “Linda is in the process of passing and will probably be in the arms of Jesus before the weekend is over.” That did not prove to be the case. Once again, she demonstrated the unpredictability that has defined our journey from the very beginning of her sickness, and passed... Continue Reading →

Completing Our Journey

My thoughts today will be very brief. Linda is in the process of passing and will probably be in the arms of Jesus before the weekend is over. The picture accompanying today’s blog depicts my feelings. I am releasing the hand of the love of my life with the full assurance that I will see... Continue Reading →

Putting the Pieces Together

As I sit by Linda’s bedside, directly in my sightline, just above her head a framed plaque, containing one of her life scriptures, reminds me of the essence of her being and the culmination of her hopes and dreams: Whom have I in heaven but you?          And earth has nothing I desire besides you.My flesh and... Continue Reading →

Hitting a Moving Target

Throughout our journey into the “Long Goodbye,” trying to determine at any given time where Linda is in her struggle with Alzheimer’s could be compared to the complexities of hitting a moving target. Notes compiled from my journal illustrate this assertion: October 16, 2017 – Just before noon, Linda was transported from Erlanger North to what... Continue Reading →

Standing on the Edge of Eternity

Today’s blog was originally published under a different title on September 5, 2021. With a few minor changes, I am reprinting it in its entirety. My wife Linda is nearing the end of her long struggle with Alzheimer’s. Therefore, I feel compelled to share what I have learned with caregivers who are just beginning the... Continue Reading →

Choosing Hope

Sometimes, all of us face a challenge so great that the chasm between hope and hopelessness seems insurmountable -- with no way over, around, or through. The solution to this predicament is found in a simple principle: Two opposing cognitions cannot be held over time -- either hope or hopelessness must go. When I choose... Continue Reading →

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